What is turnover costing your company? Is your team disengaged? Is the cycle of hiring, onboarding, firing, or replacing employees distracting from your business goals?

Book 3 in The Team Solution Series can help.

The Retention Process

You know workplace culture is about more than a free coffee mug or wearing jeans on Fridays, but you’re lacking a solid process to assist with creating an environment where employees are invested and committed to excellence.

“You need to implement this book’s process, yesterday. Your team deserves it. You deserve it! You’ve invested a lot to get where you are, don’t squander it now. It’s time, as leaders, we step up and actually care about how our team feels about working with us.” 

—Jonathan Milligan, Online Business Owner, Author of Your Message Matters

Create a Culture of Worth in the Workplace

What is turnover costing your company? Is your team disengaged? Is the cycle of hiring, onboarding, firing, or replacing employees distracting from your business goals?

Download The Retention Process toolbox today.

    The Retention Process provides practical tools and strategies to create the culture you and your team desire—a workplace with low turnover, where everyone is valued for their contributions—by: 

    • Understanding your company’s Mission and communicating it with actions. 

    • Leading well at each unique level of your company.

    • Implementing policies and practices that support your team and Vision.

    • Aligning your accountability, organization, and responsibility.

    Simplify operations and retain valued employees, resources, and revenue by creating a culture of worth in your workplace.

    Implement The Retention Process Today.

    Quiet quitters make up at least 50% of the U.S. workforce.


    Combat quiet quitting by implementing The Retention Process.

    What Business Leaders Are Saying

    In my role as a workforce development professional, I am increasingly seeing workers leave their jobs as they strive for more work-life balance. It is an employee’s market, as doors continue to open with new opportunities that allow more flexibility. During the time of the “Great Resignation,” employers must be purposeful and aggressive about both recruiting and retaining talent. This book provides practical strategies to create a positive workplace culture and imparts simple tools to reduce turnover and establish a team that feels valued. 

    —Jessica Belitz, Director of Workforce Development, Blount Partnership

    From day one of founding my company, I knew the importance of creating a culture that drives success, but I didn't know the HOW. Brenda and Amanda share all the secrets to create a culture that drives both business success and success of your individual employees. Relationships and connections are what make businesses thrive; that's why the practical and effective strategies shared in this book are pivotal in your business success. Brenda and Amanda have left no stone unturned in The Retention Process; it's your key to team success. Invest in your team (starting with this book), and they will invest in your clients and company. When you get the process right, you won't have to worry about your bottom line. It will take care of itself. 

    Denae Hively, Founder of The Hively Co

    Compliance is more than following the rules for the sake of rules. It speaks volumes to your team and clients about their worth. In The Retention Process, Amanda and Brenda share the importance compliance plays in retaining valuable and highly engaged employees. With integrated tools and strategies, this book is a must-read for all companies looking to grow their business through the retention of productive employees.

    —Helen Izek, Business Compliance Manager; editor; and author of The Red Road Home

    Brenda has always been able to discuss hard stuff with a refreshing and inspiring outlook. I appreciate how she and Amanda bring feelings into the unemotional world of business. People matter. This process to find, manage, and retain a team is an invaluable resource that we as business owners sometimes forget in our day-to-day busyness. This is a poignant and helpful reminder to look up every now and then to pour into your people! People need to be heard, valued, respected, feel intelligent, useful, and appreciated and get paid for it. Having been in sales and marketing in the same area for almost twenty years, I see these simple truths get thrown away in the pursuit of success. So, thank you, Brenda and Amanda, for bringing the essentials back to the forefront of business . . . where it belongs!

    —Dawn Rhodes, Realtor, Insurance Broker Rhodes lLife & Health, Chandler Chamber Board Member, Leadership Tyler Class 20

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    Want to work at your own pace?

    This course takes the four books in the series and shows you exactly how to customize the 38 tools and communication to support your business goals!

    Need an HR Consultant?

    Whether you have an HR team or you’re flying solo, bringing in an expert can provide a fresh perspective. Need help implementing a new process? Writing a job description? Amanda has you covered.

    Book a one (1) hour strategy consultation with Executive Coach Amanda Painter to answer your HR questions — from hiring to firing, and all that comes in between.